Certified Prescribed Burn Manager Training Course - Jasper, Texas
Date: 06/25/18
A Prescribed Burn Manager Training will be held in Jasper, Texas June 25-28, 2018. The course will be open to anyone, and prior experience or application for TDA certification is encouraged but not a requirement. Registration is free, but limited seating is available and priority will be given to students who meet the experience requirements for TDA certification. Students who pass the final exam will meet the education requirements for becoming a Texas Department of Agriculture Certified and Insured Prescribed Burn Manager in Region 4 (East Texas). Additional requirements for certification include: 3 years of prescribed burning experience in this region, 30 days of prescribed burning in any region, 5 days of prescribed burning as the responsible individual, and qualifying insurance policy (TDA Prescribed Burn Program). The field day of this course will require students to demonstrate an ability to safely participate in a prescribed burn. To register for the course, email a completed registration form (here) to Andy McCrady, Texas A&M Forest Service, Fuels Coordinator, at wmccrady@tfs.tamu.edu by June 15th.
Certified Prescribed Burn Manager Course Registration Form

12 year old longleaf stand, burned at 2-3 year intervals since age 2. It was burned most recently the week of May 1. Longleaf survival is excellent with a robust ground cover of abundant, 1 hour fuels, and a lack of dense mid-story, 10 hour fuels. This stand will resist wild fire damage and is producing excellent wildlife habitat.